Building a Tic-Tac-Toe game for Android involves several steps, including setting up the development environment, designing the user interface, implementing the game logic, and testing the app. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you create a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game using Android Studio and Kotlin (or Java).

Step 1: Set Up Your Development Environment

  1. Install Android Studio: Download and install Android Studio if you haven’t already.
  2. Create a New Project:
    • Open Android Studio and select New Project.
    • Choose Empty Activity and click Next.
    • Name your project (e.g., “TicTacToe”).
    • Set the language to Kotlin (or Java if you prefer).
    • Set the minimum API level to 21 (Android 5.0) or higher.
    • Click Finish.

Step 2: Design the User Interface

  1. Open the activity_main.xml file in the res/layout folder.
  2. Use a GridLayout or TableLayout to create a 3×3 grid for the Tic-Tac-Toe board.
  3. Add Button elements for each cell in the grid.

Example XML layout:




    <!-- Repeat for all 9 buttons (button3 to button9) -->


Step 3: Implement the Game Logic

  1. Open the MainActivity.kt file.
  2. Initialize the game board and handle button clicks.

Example Kotlin code:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    private lateinit var buttons: Array<Array<Button>>
    private var player1Turn = true // Player 1 starts first
    private var roundCount = 0

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        // Initialize the buttons array
        buttons = Array(3) { row ->
            Array(3) { col ->
                findViewById<Button>(resources.getIdentifier("button${row * 3 + col + 1}", "id", packageName)).apply {
                    setOnClickListener { onButtonClick(row, col) }

        // Reset button (optional)
        findViewById<Button>( { resetGame() }

    private fun onButtonClick(row: Int, col: Int) {
        val button = buttons[row][col]

        if (button.text.isNotEmpty()) return // Cell already occupied

        if (player1Turn) {
            button.text = "X"
        } else {
            button.text = "O"

        if (checkForWin()) {
            if (player1Turn) {
                showWinner("Player 1 wins!")
            } else {
                showWinner("Player 2 wins!")
        } else if (roundCount == 9) {
            showWinner("It's a draw!")
        } else {
            player1Turn = !player1Turn

    private fun checkForWin(): Boolean {
        val board = Array(3) { row ->
            Array(3) { col ->

        // Check rows
        for (row in 0..2) {
            if (board[row][0].isNotEmpty() && board[row][0] == board[row][1] && board[row][1] == board[row][2]) {
                return true

        // Check columns
        for (col in 0..2) {
            if (board[0][col].isNotEmpty() && board[0][col] == board[1][col] && board[1][col] == board[2][col]) {
                return true

        // Check diagonals
        if (board[0][0].isNotEmpty() && board[0][0] == board[1][1] && board[1][1] == board[2][2]) {
            return true
        if (board[0][2].isNotEmpty() && board[0][2] == board[1][1] && board[1][1] == board[2][0]) {
            return true

        return false

    private fun showWinner(message: String) {
        Toast.makeText(this, message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()

    private fun resetGame() {
        for (row in 0..2) {
            for (col in 0..2) {
                buttons[row][col].text = ""
        player1Turn = true
        roundCount = 0

Step 4: Test the Game

  1. Run the app on an Android emulator or a physical device.
  2. Play the game to ensure it works as expected:
    • Players take turns clicking buttons to place “X” or “O”.
    • The game detects a win or a draw and resets the board.

Step 5: Add Enhancements (Optional)

  • Add a Reset Button: Include a button to reset the game at any time.
  • Improve UI: Use custom graphics or animations for the “X” and “O” symbols.
  • Add AI: Implement a simple AI for single-player mode using the Minimax algorithm.
  • Save State: Save the game state when the app is paused or closed.

Step 6: Publish Your App (Optional)

If you want to publish your game on the Google Play Store:

  1. Create a developer account on the Google Play Console.
  2. Build a signed APK or App Bundle.
  3. Upload your app and follow the submission guidelines.

That’s it! You’ve built a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game for Android. You can expand on this by adding more features or improving the design. Happy coding! 🚀

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